Surgical Mesh Implants, once considered useful and reliable

in the medical world, are now a topic of emerging litigation.


Surgical mesh is most commonly used to repair hernias, or for pelvic and vaginal reconstructions. Depending on the procedure, an appropriate type of mesh is selected by the surgeon for use.

The mesh is typically composed of synthetic material such as polypropylene, which tends to be plastic-like. Since the product does not require harvesting, it is much more abundant than alternatives such as a biologic graft.

Although the mesh can successfully heal some patients, others have experienced exceptionally terrible side effects. Mesh implants have been found to not only increase the risk of infections and fistulas, but also increase the chances of chronic abdominal pain, hernia strangulation, and severe bodily damage after surgery.

It has been found that after surgery, patients who have had surgical mesh implants are seven times more likely to experience complications than patients who did not have the mesh inserted as part of their procedure.


As with any medical procedure, patients must carefully weigh

out the benefits and risks before deciding to proceed.

However, when it comes to surgical mesh implants, it seems

that the inherent harm exceeds the potential success.


Patients have began filing lawsuits against the manufacturers of this product, and are seeking compensation for their distress, medical bills, and lost wages. If you have suffered due to complications involving a surgical mesh implant; whether it be a hernia mesh, pelvic mesh, or trans-vaginal mesh; you may be eligible for a case. Contact our Long Island, New York office at (631) 543-3663 today for more information regarding this medical product.