Tasigna, a Canadian drug that is used to treat Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, shows a connection between taking the medication and developing symptoms similar to that of atherosclerosis. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells and the rate of replacement of blood-making cells in the bone marrow. Issues that may stem from Leukemia include Anemia, Leukopenia, Neutropenia, and Thrombocytopenia. All of these diagnoses require hospitalization, and medicinal attention.
One of the popular medications issued to treat this form of cancer is Tasigna, also known as Nilotinib in its generic form. It is classified as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor which is designed to block a certain protein, Bcr-Alb. This protein block inhibits the leukemia cells from increasing.
Similar to most cancer treatment medications, there are known possible side effects: headache, nausea, diarrhea, cough, itching, vomiting, fever, night sweats, pale skin, runny or stuffy nose, constipation, muscle and joint pain, and fatigue.
However, Tasigna is know to have serious side effects as well: pancreas inflammation, bleeding in the brain, Tumor Lysis Syndrome, decreased blood flow, low blood count, and QT prolongation that may cause sudden death.
Current litigation of Tasigna highlights a link between taking the medication with atherosclerosis. This side effect is not yet listed or confirmed by the FDA; however, lawsuits are currently being filed against Tasigna’s manufacture, Novartis.
In 2013, Canada has made the steps to inform the public about the true danger of taking Tasigna. Novartis and Health Canada, as well as Canada and the Consumer Information Leaflet have updated the symptom list to include atherosclerosis. However, the manufacturer has yet to take positive action and do the same for the consumers in the United States.
If you or someone you know was prescribed Tasigna and was diagnosed with atherosclerosis, you may be entitled to compensation on behalf of the manufacture. Contact the Law Offices of Rudolph F. X. Migliore, P.C. for a free consultation.
By Aleksandra Aronova