Nursing Home Negligence & Neglect

Nursing Home Negligence & Neglect

Nursing home neligence & neglect

Nursing home facilities have an obligation to treat their residents with the utmost standard of care, protection, safety, and respect. However, unfortunately Nursing home neglect occurs more often than not. “As many as 5,000,000 elders are abused each year.”*

These statistics are estimated to be very low because many nursing home abuse victims are incapable or hesitant to report their abuse.

“Nursing home neglect is the failure to provide an elder’s basic life necessities, such as food, housing, medicine or hygiene.”*


What constitutes nursing home neglect or abuse?

Nursing home abuse is any form of harm to elderly residents in nursing home facilities, such as: (physical or emotional injuries, sexual assault, financial exploitation, or other types of abuse. Nursing home abuse comes in many forms sometimes it is not so obvious.

In this manner, nursing home neglect/abuse constitutes when a facility fails to meet the legal obligation to ensure safety towards its residents’ health, safety, and wellbeing. Residents that are exposed to any nature of neglect, abuse, or indignity from the actions of the staff and facility of a nursing home that violate the NYSPHL and other federal and state laws. Abuse and neglect can include but not limited to:

  • Injuries such as (Failing to provide appropriate treatment to preclude bed sores-pressure)
  • Dangers
  • Indignities (Failing to treat residents with respect and dignity)
  • Failed to protect residents from unnecessary psychotropic medications
  • Failed to assure and regulate each resident’s drug/medications, which negatively affected the resident’s well-being.

Why File A Nursing Home Abuse Claim?

According to The New York State Public Health Law and New York General Business Law Nursing home facilities have a crucial responsibility to provide the utmost care and safety for their residents. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of nursing home facilities fails to protect, respect, and provide for their residents which leads to a violation of the NYSPHL and other state and federal laws.

Filing a nursing home abuse claim keeps the nursing home staff responsible for their actions and discontinues the funding to facilities that violate federal standard of care procedures.

If you or a loved one have suffered due to neglect by a nursing home facility and subject to other severe injuries, dangers, or indignities from that facility contact us. Together, we can seek justice against the inexcusable actions of nursing home abuse. We must protect and fight for those who are most vulnerable.

Contact an Experienced Attorney — Get a Free Case Evaluation

With over three decades of experience, the law firm of Rudolph F.X. Migliore, P.C. is positioned to help those who have suffered due to neglect by a nursing home facility. Our law firm works with nationally recognized associated firms to reach major verdicts and settlements. Our practice actively fights for the safety and justice of nursing home abuse victims. Call our New York office at (631) 543-3663 to arrange a no cost, no obligation consultation to find out how an attorney can help you.

*See Justice Team, N. (2019, January 7). Statistics on Nursing Home Abuse – Get the Facts You Need. Retrieved October 13, 2020

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Suite 200
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353 Veterans Memorial Hwy
Suite 200
Commack, NY 11725


Serving Clients
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