Hernia Mesh Injuries

Hernia Mesh Injuries

What You Need to Know If You Have Had Hernia Mesh Implants

New York Attorney Rudolph F. X. Migliore—Representing Clients Nationwide

Personal injury is the body of law that deals with serious injuries caused by the negligence or carelessness of another person or business. When you are a victim of a personal injury accident, whether the harm was physical, mental or involves property damage, you may be able to hold liable parties responsible and recover compensation for your injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hernia Mesh Implants

Q: What side effects or complications have been linked to hernia mesh?
A: Individuals who have had hernia mesh implants have reported a wide range of medical concerns arising after the surgery, including:

  • Bowel or intestinal blockage
  • Tears or perforations in internal organs
  • Nerve damage
  • Abnormal connections between organs (known as fistulas)
  • Pain or discomfort associated with shrinkage of the mesh
  • Infections
  • Fluid buildup, or seroma, at the surgical incision
  • Allergic or autoimmune reactions to the mesh
  • Movement of the mesh inside the body
  • Rejection of the mesh
  • Pain and bleeding
  • Recurrent hernia

Q: What should I do if I experience any of the symptoms listed above?

A: Your first concern should be your health, however it is also important to retain legal counsel as soon as possible. Seek medical attention before you hire an attorney. Be sure to tell the doctor about everything that seems out of the ordinary, and make certain that the doctor documents everything in writing.

Q: What legal basis will I have for a lawsuit?

A: These types of claims are brought under the legal theory of product liability. A company that markets any kind of product must take reasonable measures to ensure that the product doesn’t pose a threat of injury, and must warn potential consumers of any known defects or side effects.

Q: Are there specific products that have been tied to the injuries reported?

A: The following manufacturers and products have been associated with health concerns related to hernia mesh:

  • The C-QUR line of surgical mesh designed and manufactured by Atrium Medical Corporation
  • Physiomesh and Proceed, both products manufactured and marketed by Ethicon, a division of Johnson & Johnson.
  • Any of the hernia mesh products manufactured by Bard Davol, such as Kugel, Sepramesh, PerFix and 3DMax.

These products were all approved by the FDA without surgical trials, and represent only a portion of the hernia mesh products being used. If you have experienced any of the side effects or symptoms listed above, contact our office for a legal assessment.

Contact an Experienced Long Island Medical Product Liability Lawyer

The Law Offices of Rudolph F. X. Migliore has the skill, knowledge, experience and resources to help you pursue full and fair compensation for any injuries or losses resulting from a hernia mesh implant. With more than three decades of legal experience, Rudy has successfully represented people throughout the New York Tri-state area. To schedule an appointment, contact the firm by e-mail  or call 631-543-3663.

We offer a free initial consultation to every client.

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353 Veterans Memorial Hwy
Suite 200
Commack, NY 11725




Serving Clients
in Nassau & Suffolk County




353 Veterans Memorial Hwy
Suite 200
Commack, NY 11725


Serving Clients
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